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Preparation for your online hypnosis session (via computer)

The following information is what you need to read and complete for your remote session with me. Please let me know if you have any questions. If you want or need to use your phone, please let me know so I can send you alternate instructions.

Call Center Headset

This information is for clients that have already booked a session with me.


Equipment needed:


  • Laptop or mobile device with camera facing the bed where you will be lying down. (Please do not use a phone)  Remember to plug in the laptop so it stays charged during the session!

  • The laptop should be set up so that I can see your face, but also so that it will not be disturbed if you move or need to get up to use the toilet (which is a normal thing during Quantum Healing Sessions). 

  • Please make sure Zoom and make sure your audio and video is set up before the session. You should be able to download the Zoom application on your laptop or other device. 

  • Here is a link to information about how to set up and test your Zoom sound: ZOOM SETUP AND SOUND TESTING  (in Zoom, the sound settings - speaker and microphone, need to be connected to the headset). Please let me know if you need help, I am happy to help you. 

  • **Also, for those who think they may share their session online later, or who just prefer a little "youthing", Zoom has skin softening and some makeup features now that can be used, and many people like them!**

  • Headsets with microphone. (see picture for example) You must be able to move the microphone in front of mouth.  I'm attaching one that we have found has clear sound, is lightweight and is not very expensive. You can order it from Amazon. The link is here: Headset 

  • Using earbuds is no longer allowed during my hypnosis sessions. During hypnosis, people often speak more softly, making it difficult to hear clearly. Having to ask "what?" over and over during a session can ruin the session and your recording as well. Because it is so very important to listen to your recording after the session I now ask that everyone use a headset.

  • LIstening to your session after it is over is like having the session again, and helps the information and healing to integrate more powerfully. There will be things that you may have forgotten, or - not even remember that you said! So, it is important to have a good recording that you can listen to again and again. This special experience your Higher Self has taken you through is very special, worth keeping and listening to again (at least twice). Sometimes people find new information in their sessions later on, that helps them in their lives.  

  • Another unique thing about BQH sessions is that Bluetooth headsets tend to lose power, due to the powerful energy involved in the sessions (truly!). This has surprised me and my clients, but it has happened so many times, I know to prepare for i - so, I ask that my clients use headsets that have USB plug-in for reliability (most do). 

  • You should have a fast internet connection. If you have any connection concerns, let me know!



  • Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and can talk and express your emotions freely and loudly without friends or family members listening in or interrupting. Pets can be with you (and their energy can contribute in a positive way to the session) depending on how energetic your pet is. I will let you decide what you think would be best about your particular pet. 

  • Check the best position for your laptop’s camera. The lights need to be on, and the camera needs to be close enough so that I can see your whole face and part of your chest.  You can prop your laptop up on an ironing board, a box, or books to get a higher angle. (A side view is preferred). I will send a PDF through e-mail, showing example photos of an optimal setup. If you cannot get it perfectly that way, that is okay. It is just the "best" and most optimal way of setting a laptop up, so I can see your face well. 



  • Please send me your Client Information form before as soon as possible. It must be received at least a week before your session, or if we book within the week, as soon as possible.  You can go to to fill out your form. Fill it out and sign it so it comes through to me.

  • You can bring questions that you want to ask your Higher Self or  your guides. Please get your questions ready for the session. You can e-mail those to me at You may want to start thinking about those at least a week prior to the session. Write down what you think you want to ask about. You may find that you have additional questions that come before we have the session, or that your questions may change, and that is fine. You can let me know on the appointment day if you need to ask something else or if you've already received an answer to something you wanted to ask about.

  • I will send you an invite from Zoom and you will join me on Zoom at your appointment time. 

  • We will test the equipment to be sure I can hear you over your headset  In your Zoom settings, raise the volume of the microphone, and make sure your equipment is set up and that you've chosen the right settings - for sound and voice both). Again, test this before the day of the the session, as this can take a little while to figure out. 

  • After the interview process, we will do the hypnosis session.




  • Payment in full required at the time of booking, to hold your session.

  • Clients must or their representative(s) agree to hold harmless Sarah Webb and Travis Webb from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with our sessions.

  • Clients agree that a refund of the session fee will not be given for any reason.

Please Note: 


  • Cell phones should not be used to do the session and should be put in airplane mode (even if it's in silent mode, you will hear it vibrating)

  • No other people allowed in the room or listening in on the call with you during the session

  • Recording of your session is not permitted.  I will be recording your session and will send it to you.

  • I will send you a copy of your session (video) via  Please do not upload to social media.  I reserve all rights to the recording. 

  • If the call drops during the session, you will simply open your eyes and reconnect to the zoom meeting. You will go deeper any time you come out of hypnosis and go back in. 

Please Note: 

What does your soul need to heal during this session?  (Think in terms of symptoms, phobias, unexplained pains, fears, concerns.)


  • Please do prepare questions to ask your Higher Self.

  • BQH Sessions can be about the past, present or future. Your Higher Self will take you to the place(s) that are most necessary to go to for your healing.

  • This is a sacred session about and for the healing of your soul. The issues we will address will be about you and your life - not about somebody else, nor world, environmental or political issues.

  • You will receive a recording of your session after the session is over. Make sure you have a place to store the video, as I do not save sessions once we are done. All proprietary hypnosis techniques will be edited out of the recording.

  • Because of the feedback the Angels have given me in our channeling sessions, IF appropriate, I might ask a client if they want to share a part of their session on YouTube. If/when sessions or parts of sessions are shared, I always remove private information, sensitive topics, and names, unless the person has asked me to leave certain things in. You have no idea how many people you might help by sharing your experience!  But, it is always, always up to you.

  • If you want to share your session but absolutely cannot be seen (sometimes people in certain jobs or in certain situations cannot be seen on social media), I can cover your side of the video so that nobody can see who you are. I can even change your voice, if necessary. It is all up to you.

Preparing for a Positive Session - without Specific Expectations


  • Your intention for the session is key. People seek sessions for various reasons, such as releasing energetic blockages, healing from pain or trauma, or gaining insights into their lives.  It is important to have an organized idea about your session and what you would like to accomplish during it. 

  • The reason we say to not impose particular Expecatations is because every person's session is unique to them. Some people go to a past life; some to a parallel life; some to a current life, where they visit past experiences, and some even to a future life or life in-between lives. Some people see or experience messages from their Higher Self in other ways. One client had loving messages given to her from the Animal Kingdom during her session. Some people see colored light but experience deep healing. It is impossible to know what will happen, but we will ask for the highest and best outcome for you. 

  • Before our session, we'll have a conversation about your life, lasting about an hour. We'll discuss your past, life history, and any essential details pertinent to our session. It is very important to be honest during this discussion. There have been instances where I felt confused after a session, only to realize later, after the session, that crucial information was omitted during our pre-session chat, that shed light on the situation and made it all make sense. Please understand that I know that what you share with me are sensitive life experiences. I respect and care very much about your feelings. 

  • Please know that anything and everything you share with me is absolutely confidential, and that I don't judge - anyone. Not anyone. My sole aim, and my heart's desire, is to facilitate your healing process and to help you find relief, happiness, and what you are hoping to change in your life. 

  • Prepare 10-15 questions for the session, prioritizing them from most to least important. I'll do my best to address all of them, as session lengths can vary. Organizing your questions ensures we cover the most significant topics.

  • We'll verbalize your intention before we begin the session. This focused intention is powerful and guides our work together. Start thinking about what you hope to achieve from our session. Crafting a concise intention statement (usually 3-4 sentences) beforehand enhances clarity and communicates your desires effectively to your guides.

  • Let go of any preconceived notions about the session. Your Higher Self knows what is most important for your growth.

  • Familiarize yourself with Quantum Hypnosis by watching 3-5 online sessions or having experienced a session previously. Quantum Hypnosis is distinct from traditional forms, and understanding its flow is beneficial.

  • During the session, experiences can vary. You may perceive it like a movie, through flashes of visuals, or as intuitive knowledge. All forms of experience are valid; the goal is to receive the information you need.

  • Meditation can enhance your session. If you'd like help with meditation, I can provide resources—it's simpler than it seems!

  • Courageously opening up and letting your words flow freely is essential for establishing a clear channel with your Higher Self. Don't hesitate to speak your truth and allow your Higher Self to communicate through you.

No recreational drugs or alcohol!


  • Be sober.  Please do not take any drugs to relax you.  No alcohol, marijuana, or anything to help you relax.  Hypnosis is about connecting with your emotions and this cannot be accomplished if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 

  • However, prescribed medications from your doctor should not be stopped.  Please take your medications on time as you normally would. 

  • Some think that antidepressants may affect the ability to go into a hypnotic trance and/or connect with emotions. However, I have not experienced this with my clients. 

  • Absolutely no vaping and no smoking during a session. 

Practice relaxing prior to the session and getting used to my voice


  • During our session together I will be focusing on connecting with your emotions. It is normal to be nervous before a session, but I will be there to help you in case you get nervous. It is very important that you are honest with me about what you are feeling during the session - because if you tell me what you are feeling, I can help you. Do not worry, you will do great!  I have a great track record with taking my clients deeply into trance. Most who think they will not go into trance, end up in trance before they know it!

  • Do not expect hypnosis to feel as if you are asleep. You will feel awake and aware. Hypnosis is a highly focused state, not a state of sleep. Have you ever become lost in a movie or a book, to the point that things around you seem to disappear for a time? That is hypnosis. What most people feel is perhaps the feeling of feeling a little lightheaded, maybe heavy, or dizzy, but in a good way. It is like a gentle, euophoric feeling for most people. It is very relaxing and enjoyable. 

  • Your team will be involved in the session, as will mine. These are real beings, helping us from the other side. We always set protection and state firmly that only the highest and most divine original Source energy expressions and beings are allowed to participate in your session. I set this and other protections for you and I will always be by your side during the session as well. The key is allowing and letting go of the part of the mind that analyzes things, a bit like when you begin to drift off to sleep, when you begin to let your worries from the day drift away.

  • It may seem unusual or different if you have never done it before, but for those who have not been in trance before, and would like me to accompany them, I will go into trance with you so that I am seeing what you are seeing and can help you along the way if you should need it. Do not worry about not seeing anything - there are many ways we can bypass the conscious mind to help you relax into a scene. 

What to eat/drink


  • Your session can run up to 4 hours, so eat something light before we start the session. You may want to Don’t forget to drink lots of water!  Water is a conductor for energy and that’s what we’ll be doing during your session; channeling and moving energy.  Your session will not be affected if you need to empty your bladder once or even several times during your session. (Each time you go in and out of hypnosis, you go deeper.)

What to wear


  • Since you may be lying down for a couple of hours, wear clean and comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that won't constrict your circulation or over-heat you. If you typically wear socks to sleep, bring a pair with you so that your feet will feel good.  If you wear makeup, keep it light or waterproof because tears will make eyeliner and mascara flow. 



  • Before the hypnosis session, I spend time getting to know you, review your issues, and spend some time discussing what to expect. The actual hypnosis session takes place after the interview. Your session is a private session. It's a place where both you and I need to feel completely safe and that your confidentiality in all matters is observed. Because of this, no one else is allowed in your session.

No expectations


Each hypnosis session is totally unique and you will experience exactly what you need. Release any expectation of what you should feel like when you're in a hypnotic trance or what your session will be like.  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and I am simply the facilitator.  


  • Hypnosis is NOT sleep. You will be wide awake and aware during your whole experience.

  • You are NEVER unconscious. Since hypnosis is NOT SLEEP, it doesn't feel like a dream you wake up from and then forget.

  • It feels more like a daydream and the majority of people know exactly what they're saying at all times and remember mostly everything.

  • Imagination is the key to accessing information from the subconscious and unconscious.  Hypnosis is a normal altered state of focused awareness.  Just enjoy the experience and let your soul guide you.

  • Remember, ultimately, all healing is self-healing. That is how powerful we all are!

Audio and Video Recording


Since you may only remember some of your hypnosis session, it will be recorded via Zoom and the session will be sent to you through WeTranser. You are not permitted to record your session with your own device. You may share your recording with family and friends at your discretion but do NOT upload it onto the internet. I reserve all rights to the recording. 

After your session


  • You will be fully alert but deeply relaxed and may find yourself in a semi to very blissful state. Sometimes, clients feel like their body is buzzing with energy.  Rarely, some clients feel a little unwell afterwards; this normally resolves quickly. 

  • It is even possible that you may think that you were just having a conversation with me and you weren't hypnotized at all and made it all up; that's normal. This kind of reaction is more of a rarity, but it can happen.

  • Be sure to drink a lot of water and eat something after the session so that it will ground you. 

  • Be prepared to download the recording once I send it to you, and make sure you have space on your computer or an external hard drive, since I do not keep the sessions long-term. 

  • Sometimes it can take some time to process everything that has happened during a session, especially since we are working in the Quantum Realm and many meaningful things can happen in such a short period of time. Remember that your soul continues to heal after the session.  Pay attention to synchronicities. The week after a session is usually a time of integration. 

  • I will follow up with you to answer any questions you may have. 

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